Have A Perfect Egg Facial Mask

Do you want to have healthy glowing skin without paying for expensive face products? Just go to your fridge and pull out an egg. This is particularly good for oily skin. Using this facial on oily skin, you'll noticed an immediate reduction in oils. The egg white draws the oils out, while the egg yolk moisturizes. You will want to do both parts of this one if you have oily skin. This also works very well for firming the skin.


1. Get two small bowls.

2. Separate one egg into two bowls - white in one bowl, and yolk in the other. Optional: Add a few drops of lemon juice if you have oily skin. It will help eliminate oil.

3. Wipe your face with warm cloth to open the pores.

4. Beat until frothy and spread the egg white around your face in circular upward motions while avoiding the eyes.

5. Wait 15-30 minutes. You want it to 'harden' on your face.

6. Wipe the egg white off of your face with a warm cloth.

7. Beat and spread yolk around face in the same manner as the egg white.

8. Wait 15-30 minutes.

9. Wash the egg yolk off with cold water to close your pores and pat dry.


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