Tips for Men - Start Your Watch Collection

The world of watch collecting can be a hazy one. It is said that you can tell a lot about a man by what is on his wrist, and with the choice of men's watches only expanding, it’s tough to tell what makes the most sense for you. This fashion tips will provide you with a fundamental understanding of watch terminology, the four different categories of watches (and when to wear them), the differences between collecting vintage and new watches, and, of course, where to find them. In essence, what we're going to teach you is how to start a watch collection.

watch basics

The first step in starting your watch collection is being able to keep up in a watch conversation. Here are the parts of every watch you must be aware of.


Tips for Men - Dress According to Your Body Shape

As, you all know that every single individual is different from the other, so it is obvious that their dressing should be different from each other. Women generally choose dresses according to their body type but men are weak in this field. Most of the men’s selection of dress is driven by their friends and by latest fashion trends but it is not the right way to dress.
You should first know your body type before you go out to buy any clothes. There are some measurements and information which can help you in identifying your body type, once you know your body type you can use the below given tips to find the right clothes for yourself.


If your shoulders are broader than your waist by 4 or more

inches then you have a V-shaped body. There are some tips for V shaped men so that they look cool and hide their broad shoulders.
Top clothes- All the men who have V-shaped body should wear raglan sleeved t-shirts or dark color top 


Hottest Summer Fashions

I’m the ultimate shoe fanatic and by that I mean that I have so many shoes in my closets, that I’ve literally lost count. Sure, I don’t end up wearing 80% of them, but I still keep and treasure them as a symbol of not only my femininity, but my undying love for shoes. That’s why I’m so pumped for summer to come, since it means I can start showing off my manicure and not to mention my to-die-for sandals. Here are this summer's hottest shoe styles!
Colorful Flats


Deal With Your Oily Skin


Flattering Sandals

Flat sandals are a hot item this summer, but they can be a little trickier to wear. Although they make you look shorter and don’t add any inches to your height, they’re still unbelievably cute.
First of all keep in mind that flat sandals always look best with clothes that have a laid-back feel to them. A fancy black dress won’t go with flat sandals because it’s more of a beachy look.
Try flat sandals with a skirt and a peasant blouse, it looks absolutely fabulous. Also, flat


Did You Stay in the Sun Too Long

By now, everyone’s heard or read about the unsafe effects that the sun or the tanning bed can have on your skin. Basically, a tanned complexion is now looked at as unhealthy skin. But, that doesn’t mean you still can’t get a little color. First off, take into consideration your complexion. If you’re pale, white, pasty, whatever…the sun is probably not your friend. If you tan easily (meaning you darken, not redden), then it’s okay to stay in the sun for no more than 20 minutes at a time. But what do you do when you overstay your welcome in the sun, and come out looking beet red? 1. Get out of the sun. If you see you’ve turned red or stayed in the sun for too long of a time, get inside. Start by applying cool Aloe Vera gel all over your body. It feels incredible on your skin. I keep mine in the fridge so that when I slather it on, it instantly cools my skin and feels refreshing.


Protect Your Skin from Sun


How to match Sunglasses for Your Face Shape


Bangs !!

Bangs have always been a question of do or don’t. Should you or shouldn’t you? And if you do, what if it looks completely wrong on you? Well ever since the 50′s, bangs have been around in all kinds of forms and styles. Now, bangs are wispier, sexier, and more popular.
Bangs are a way to change your hair, without chopping off your locks. They give you a new, mysterious look. Bangs also enhance your eyes, with the right makeup of course.
But how do you know bangs will look good on you? Well first and foremost, you absolutely must check with your hairstylist. Don’t attempt to do this yourself, because you will be completely disappointed,


Acne Skin Care


Fashion Tips to Hide Your Tummy


Tips for Big Hips


What is the Dress Suitable at Work..

If your style is sexy more than stylish you might have some problems at work. Wearing a sexy outfit at work is seen as an inadequate behavior for any woman. For example women with leading positions are looked at as being less intelligent and competent. This perception is not valid when it comes to secretaries, for example. Women wearing clothes which show too much are looked at as using their sexuality in order to be promoted. Let’s see some suggestions in order to dress suitable at work.


Wax Your Legs Perfectly...


Do You Wanna Have Beautiful Nails !!

Nails are one of the most prominent part of your body and your hands. Hands are most usable thing of your body. So we should take more care of it. Nails are the part which made the hand more beautiful and trendy. Nails are also much careful thing. But their care is not a piece of cake. You should do proper manicure of your nails, proper sharpness and cleanness made them more beautiful which enhanced hand’s beauty and look.


Beauty Tips for A Beautiful Feet


Party Definitions


How to Wear Leggings and Jeggings


Lips and Lipstick Tips for You 3

Your Lips And Lipstick
Quick Tips:
* To stop lipstick from bleeding, use a lipliner, or apply foundation over the lips first.
* If you have big lips, use muted colours such as purples, browns and bronzes.
* If you have small lips, avoid dark colours.
* Professionals prefer to use a brush for lipstick application. Brushes generally allow you to use much less lipstick.


Lips and Lipstick Tips for You 2

Easy Lip Tips
* To keep lips going all day, first pencil all over lips with a soft lip pencil. Apply lipstick over and blot.
* To make lips look fuller, line lips with a pencil and then blend the edges with a sponge applicator. Cover with gloss or petroleum jelly.
* To keep lipstick off teeth, pucker lips into an extreme "O". Cover your finger with tissue, and pole it into your moutn. Slowly twist it out of your mouth, eliminating any excess color.
* To achieve a pouty, sexy mouth, emphasize your top lip by dabbing just a touch of gloss in the center.
* Highlight your lips with a verylight eye shadow color that coordinates with your lip color tones. Place it right in the center of your upper and lower lips.
* To balance unevenly shaped lips, use a lighter colored lipstick on the smaller-sized lip.


Lips and Lipstick Tips for You 1

Lip Plumper Tips
Do you sometimes think that you would kill for beautiful full lips? Sure, you could get Collagen implants, or tattooed outlines around your lip... But it's a little bit excessive, I'm sure you'll agree! There are other cheaper, and much more practical, ways of achieving a similar affect. Here's how to get beautiful full lips in four easy steps...
Step one: Lip balm babe
Prepare your delicate lips with a generous slick of lip balm in advance. Nobody likes cracked and frayed lips! And in this cold winter weather its important to take more care than usual. (Cold weather will dry the moisture from your lips). Make sure that the lip balm has sunk a little before you go on to step two, otherwise your lip liner won't work.
Step two: Line and define
Get a natural lip liner, and carefully draw around the very rim of your lips. If you get a wobbly line, don't panic (and don't think nobody will notice it)... just carefully remove it and start again! When you have a firm line fill in the rest of your lips with the same color.
Step three: Now add some shine!
Here comes the glamorous bit, the lip-gloss! Again, keep the color natural. Forget lipstick that's too dark or too light. One thing you've gotta remember though, gloss looks better but doesn't have the staying power of lippy. Make sure you keep it in your purse and re-apply during the day.
Step four: Plump them up
This is the hard bit. But actually it's not! All you've got to do, (after you've completed steps one through three), is dot a white shimmery product like eye shadow or an eyebrow highlighter in the very center of your lips. Start slowly, and blend very carefully. What you are looking to achieve is natural looking shading, with your lip color being lighter where your mouth opens. This will create the illusion of beautiful full lips.
Oh, one last thing. Remember, people always want what they haven't got, so don't fret... just make the best of what you've got. And you know what they say; if you've got it, flaunt it!
So pucker up, and be sweet!

How to adjust your lips
* Make Small Lips Look Larger - Apply a little vaseline or lip gloss to the middle of the bottom lip, which brings the lips out, making them look larger.
* Make Large Lips Look Smaller - Use the deeper colors in your palette (deep color makes the lips recede), and stick to a matte formula; keep away from shiny glosses.


Match Between Shoes and Clothes Perfectly,,


Express Yourself with Bracelets


Read Before Tweezing Your Eyebrows..

What Eyebrow Teezers should I use ?
There are different Teezer tips ? Which tip is best?


Learn All about Waxing Your Eyebrows...

Waxing is a quick and relatively easy alternative to plucking your eyebrows. Most beauty experts recommend getting your eyebrows waxed professionally but that can be expensive - up to around $10-$15 dollars depending on the salon. If you are confident and then here are some tips for waxing your eyebrows yourself.

Start by prepping the eyebrow

Brush the brush into place with toothbrush or clean mascara wand, so that their natural shape is neatly defined. Next, apply an astringent such as witch hazel to anesthetize the skin under the brow. Discover your natural brow shape by standing several feet away from a mirror, and following these simple steps

The length of the eyebrow

Hold a ruler parallel to your nose, and level with the inner corner of the eye, to work out where the brow should begin. If your eyes are close together, make the gap between the brows wider. If your eyes are far apart, don't wax the start line of the brow too much so that they are closer together. Mark the correct point with a dot.

The curve of the eyebrow

You can assess where the highest point of the curve/ arch should be by holding a ruler from the edge of the nostril past the outer edge of the iris (the colored part of the eye) and up to the eyebrow. Mark the spot with a dot.

Now line up the dots in a gentle arch to draw on the ideal shape of the eyebrow that you want to achieve. This will give you a guideline to go by when applying the wax. You should aim for a smooth arched brow that tapers slightly at the outer ends.

What to consider when applying the wax

I recommend that you buy a professional waxing kit - basically a jar or tub of wax which can be warmed up in boiling water and applied with a small applicator or spatula, and (usually muslin) removal strips. Each product varies slightly, so be sure to read the manufacturers directions carefully

Warm up the wax to optimum temperature and use the small spatula to apply a thin layer of wax to the growth. Make sure that you only use a small amount of wax on the spatula to avoid the wax dripping when it is applied. Apply wax with the hair growth under the eyebrow, (i.e. in the same direction that the hair grows in). Be careful a little goes a long way and make sure to avoid letting the wax dry

The hair removal process

Never wax above the eyebrow, only shape from below. Waxing from under the brow will widen your eyes and help to get the line even. This will make you look younger and much more glamorous if done correctly! As soon as it is applied remove the wax against the hair growth, (i.e. in the opposite direction that the hair grows in). This is done by gently smoothing a piece of cotton muslin over the waxed area, pulling the skin taut with one hand, and pulling the muslin off with the other.

It is a good idea to take a little hair off at a time, especially if you have fairly this growth. You will be surprised how much difference a little hair removal will make to your appearance.

The final step

Any straggly hairs left over after waxing can be easily plucked out using a set of good tweezers. Apply a soothing balm like tea tree oil onto the area afterwards. You should avoid direct sunlight, acid based facial treatments, and liquid makeup for several hours.

To give the gorgeous new eyebrow shape emphasis, use an eyebrow pencil or tinted brow shadow to subtly fill in any gaps, and even out the natural color tone. Congratulations you have successfully waxed your own eyebrows!


Wanna look thinner....

Large clothes

Many women do the same mistake: wear large clothes in order to hide the extra weight. Wrong. This kind of clothes will make you look fatter than you are. Choose clothes which fit you, make you look good, which are neither large nor tight.

Heels shoes

You can wear shoes which make you look taller as they will also help you look thinner.


The tunic outfit is in fashion again and you should take advantage at maximum of it, especially if you have problems with the belly.


If you have problems at the bottom and at the thighs, the most indicated pair of trousers is the right one.

Avoid folds

Avoid as much as you can clothes which have folds, they won’t help you look thinner, on the contrary. They will add some extra kilos to your silhouette and you surely don’t want that.

Dark colors

Everybody knows that black clothes make everybody look thinner, but that doesn’t means that you should always wear black from head to toe. Try choosing from a large number of colors such as brown, dark green, dark blue.

Forget belts

Belts aren’t your best friends right now so try avoiding them especially if you have a problem around waist. The belt will just attract the attention on the waist.

Attract the attention

On the beautiful parts of your body. Find something at your body (face, legs, hair) and be careful to attract always the attention on this part of the body.


Want to get Soft Kissable Lips !!!!

Soft, kissable lips are sooo easy to get, but a lot of us forget to pamper our pucker, especially in the summer. The cold winter months have us all applying and reapplying our chapsticks, but what about summer? The sun can do a lot of damage to your lips and you may not even notice. Here are 3 steps to get super soft lips and having them all year long.

Step 1:

You exfoliate your arms and legs, but do you do the same for your lips? Use a soft, gentle exfoliant and rub it into your lips in slow, circular motions. This will not only remove dead skin cells, but the circular motion will also get the blood flowing giving your lips a nice rosy tint.

Step 2:

After you’ve exfoliated, use a good quality lip balm with an SPF. We prefer Burt’s Bees lip balms because they are all natural and do a really good job of leaving your lips soft and also protecting them from getting burnt.

Step 3:

Lastly, apply a moisturizing lipstick. I like to use shades that are close to my actually lip shade to get a natural look. For super soft lips, make sure you always apply lip balm before putting on lipstick or gloss – just make sure you wait a couple of minutes so it dries.


Ten Tips to look Taller and Thinner

If you want to look skinner you don’t have to wear black clothes everyday. Find out how is this possible by reading these ten tips.

1. Choose monochromatic outfits and combine textures in an innovative way. It will standardize you look Avoid wearing deux-pieces costumes but try to combine textures and materials: you can match knitted work with leather or cotton.

2. The raincoat or sack coat should contrast with the rest of the outfit. The more you draw attention on it the taller will you look.

3. Wear the sweaters or coats with the buttons loosened for a special visual effect. You will obtain a neck lengthen effect by wearing blouses with “V” decolletage.

4. Any prints or stripes must be vertical as they will make you look taller and thinner.

5. Wear long scarves or mufflers and combine them with outfits of different colors from them.

6. Always match the color of the stocking with the one of the shoes, skirt or trousers.

7. Avoid wearing big, broad belts and don’t wear two long outfits in the same time. Contrasting proportions are recommended. A longer jacket looks better with a shorter skirt and a shorter jacket should be matched with a pair of trousers.

8. Emphasize your decolletage with long necklaces and avoid wearing closed blouses at the basis of the neck and tie type accessories.

9. Always wear longer more than larger skirts and if you are of small height make sure you also wear small prints and pockets.

10. Choose shoes with heels of at least one cm; when it comes to a limit in this manner you can always wear big heels if you like them and if you feel comfortable. Sport shoes can also have a slope of 2-3 cm as you must look well when you are doing sport too.

Fortunately there are many tips which help you look the way you want. All that matters is the confidence you have in yourself.


Must have - Handbags


Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses

Buying eyeglasses online and in particular designer frames as a fashion accessory is becoming more and more popular. There are many reasons for going online, from attractive prices to the shear range of frames online sellers can stock. But low prices and vast range might also mean that you’ll end up with the wrong pair, so whats a girl to do?


Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses

Buying eyeglasses online and in particular designer frames as a fashion accessory is becoming more and more popular. There are many reasons for going online, from attractive prices to the shear range of frames online sellers can stock. But low prices and vast range might also mean that you’ll end up with the wrong pair, so whats a girl to do?

If you’re considering spending some of your hard earn cash on new eyeglasses, and letting your fingers do the work seems like a good idea, here are couple of tips to help your shopping spree.

Top Tips For Choosing Eyeglasses Frames:

1. Matching The Frames To Your Hair, Eyes and Skin – Knowing which style suits your face shape and skin will help you. We found that if your natural coloring (hair, skin and eyes) is dark, you’ll easily be able to carry dark, bold glasses and if your natural colouring is light to medium the best match is probably paler colors such as cream with rimless or delicate frames.

2. Focus On One Style and Stick With It – There are thousands of frames to choose from, be it a particular frame type you always wanted to a particular frame material. Narrow down your search and focus on the type of style you really want and that style which compliments your look.

3. Look At All The Brands Catering For Your Style – Now that you you’ve focused your search, look at less known designer brands on top of the well known brands. Sure, everyone is familiar with the DKNY, Benetton, etc, but also consider less known brands. To name just a few, brands such as Nicole Farhi and Jeff Banks will not only make your new frames standout from the crowd, they might also give you that special look other brands can’t.

4. Try The Frames Online – Many online sellers offer some type of functionality which will allow you to upload your picture and superimpose the frames on your face. The results are 100% realistic and you can even save the results to share with your friends, family and people at work. Take the time to try a few frames and consider saving some of the results to share among your friends for a second opinion.

5. Consider Eyeglasses Even If You Don’t Need One – Because nowadays spectacles and eyeglasses are seen as a fashion accessory, many of us even those who don’t need eyeglasses will often wear a pair on a night out. More and more people will wear frames with no lenses or with plastic lenses simply because they rock with eyeglasses.


5 Secrets for a Beautiful Hair

We know that you love hot trends and beauty tips! We love them too. This is why we take advantage of any opportunity and share with you the greatest secrets. Now, we will reveal 5 tricks that will make you hair, the number one star anywhere you would go!

1. Do not hurry in using the hair dryer when you want to get over with the wet hair. It is a quick method, but it harms your hair. Instead…using a towel to dry your hair is the solution that causes 0% damage to it! So, we recommend a little patient!


6 Steps for a Perfect French Manicure

Finally, there is no more gloves to cover our beautiful hands. So, start treating your hands and nails with the needed respect:). Here are the basic steps to follow if you want a sensational French Manicure done in only 30 minutes (the most!).


How to do a Fishtail Braid

If you love braids as much as I do, you probably know that they aren’t the easiest style to achieve. Sure, a simple three part braid is a walk in the park, but what about other, more complicated styles? Here, I show you how to do a french braid, but the hottest braid style this season is a fishtail braid


Get Incredible Volume and Waves in 3 Easy Steps

Straightening your hair in the summer doesn’t always work out…especially with the humidity. Not only that, but wearing the same flat, straight hairstyle every day can be a little blah, so why not spice up your look this season and get some incredible volume and waves? I’ll show you how in just 3 easy steps!
