Do You Wanna Have Beautiful Nails !!

Nails are one of the most prominent part of your body and your hands. Hands are most usable thing of your body. So we should take more care of it. Nails are the part which made the hand more beautiful and trendy. Nails are also much careful thing. But their care is not a piece of cake. You should do proper manicure of your nails, proper sharpness and cleanness made them more beautiful which enhanced hand’s beauty and look.

Mostly ladies have craze to have long nails. But as doing work, this is much difficult to take care of them. They could be break at any time. can made hard and dirty. So some useful precautions are necessary to be adopted for their beauty.
In just some minutes you could bring their beauty back.You just need a cotton pad, almond oil, a good moisturizer, nail shiner, hand tub, rubber gloves, scrub with small grains of a good product company, shampoo in which salt not present and hydrogen per oxide which can easily bought from market.
you just have to do is take some water in hand tub. Mix some drops of almond oil, 10 ml hydrogen per oxide and 10ml shampoo. Dip your hands hands in it for 10-15 minutes and then wear rubber gloves for almost 8-10 minutes.
After removing gloves, clean your hands with cotton pad, take some scrub and apply it on your whole hands with care in circular motion. Massage it for almost two minutes. After that shape your nails with nail sharper as you want and at last apply nail shiner on nail and your favorite color nail polish.


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